Top Three Steps Students Take to Ensure College Success

Picture of 4 StudentsIn a recent blog post the results of Cengage Learning’s Student Engagement Insights survey showed the top strategies students employed to guarantee their success in college.

The top three practices were:

1. Reviewing Lecture Notes: 83%

Not only does reviewing your notes make an excellent study strategy, the process of taking the notes helps you stay engaged in the class.

2. Using Online Resources: 63%

Online resources like practices quizzes (often called formative assessments) give you a better understanding of how you are doing with the material than just reviewing the content from the course.  Other types of online resources could include flash cards, study guides, etc.  Here is a post with important note-taking tips.

3. Creating and Reviewing Reading Notes: 56%

Taking notes while reading helps you identify important points from the readings and reflect on those points made by the author.  Here is a post with important reading strategies.

Survey Results

The bottom three practices were:

  1. Visiting A Tutor: 25%
  2. Creating “self-tests”: 22%
  3. Asking the librarian for help finding information: 10%